Five most downloaded extensions of awesome (gnome) shell

The gnome shell extensions are a great to way to customize your awesome shell. You could customize it in any way you want it. There are extensions for every usage you can think of; from a shell calculator and a screenshot tool to system monitor and a presentation mode. With the introduction of extensions.gnome website installing extensions is a breeze.

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Arch’ed in a day; a noob experience

Before beginning with my arch story, let me tell you a bit about myself, or rather about my experience with Linux OS. I am a software engineer by profession (used to be…but that is another story) worked in enterprise java and client solutions. My first experience with Linux was in 2003 or 2004, when I heard about an operating system called Red-hat and was given a 3-cd install of the OS. I installed the OS in my computer, did not like it at all. Looked very bland and a cheap imitation of windows; I immediately realized being free means being cheap.
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Good bye Compiz; eye-candy effects land in awesome (gnome) shell 3.2

The compiz and the effects associated with it were one of the unique features of the linux operating system. Those attracted numerous computer users, including myself, into the world of Linux. One of the complaints about the gnome shell, was the lack of these eye-candy effects (wobbly windows, window focus effects, etc.) as it opted to go with mutter instead of compiz for window management. When ubuntu unity users enjoyed the compiz and the wonderful effects, gnome shell users were left with the minimal effects of the shell. The transition and other effects were even part of our gnome 3.2 ‘wishlist’. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen in gnome shell 3.2. Not until now.
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Ready for Gnome 3.2? no more suspend on laptop lid close

Gnome 3.0 was revolutionary in many ways. It rewrote the entire desktop metaphor without being (or even look like) a cheap windows or Mac rip off. This is the first time any Linux system became truly innovative in that sense. But at the same time there were some stupid mistakes done by the gnome team and there were numerous customers outcry for options and changes. The suspend on user menu (hidden shutdown/restart), lack of an application list readily available on the desktop etc, were some of the issues that many users got frustrated about the otherwise awesome desktop.

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Ready for Gnome shell 3.2? Meet the new user menu

The gnome released the gnome desktop 3.1.91 including the gnome shell 3.1.91. This will eventually become the 3.2 version of the awesome desktop. There are many changes happening in this new version. Within these are the new online accounts, new user menu, onscreen keyboard, gnome contacts, new font manager and numerous other changes. The new gnome shell version 3.1.91 have some of these changes already implemented.
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Download all the shortlisted ubuntu 11.10 oneiric wallpapers in zip file

The ubuntu 11.10 oneiric ocelot wallpaper contest have short listed around 40 wallpapers to be included in with the release. The wallpapers are now available for download as a single package from launchpad.

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Bad to worse? New ubuntu unity design ignites heated arguments

The unity shell and the top panel was always a design headache for those who behind the development. The design in its current form itself was criticized by many and was one of the reasons why many people hated unity. The daily builds of the unity 2D had a new iteration of the design apparently trying to solve some of the issues associated with the desktop shell. The new design now is now causing far more criticism than the current version.
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Gnome shell media player extension

New extensions for the gnome shell appears by the day. Today its a ‘musicplayers’ extension. This new gnome shell extension will add a new menu to the gnome shell top panel and allows you to control various aspects of the allow you to control different music players through the menu.

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Monitor your system with gnome shell extensions

The extensions for the awesome desktop is coming like anything. There are new extensions coming in by the day and you could get most of the ‘lost’ panel applet functionalities back in gnome 3.2 already. Most of these extensions are in their very early development stage. So, you might find some of them ‘rough on the edge’. Today I will show you two extensions to monitor your system.

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Get your bottom panel functionality back in Gnome shell

There are some users who don’t like the gnome shell way of handling their desktop and looking for ways to get their 2.x style of window management. Unfortunately for them, the ‘fallback’ mode is kind of a rip-off of the old gnome panels. We already showed you how to get the gnome 2.x functionality back to the shell world by using extensions. There was a missing piece in that. It was missing the gnome bottom panel.
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